This book depicts how the Brunei Sultanate, which prior to the 19th century, stood tall, but during the course of the 19th century, was reminiscent of a ship that was sailing through storms on the open seas. It nearly sank from the forces of the storms, ainly the storm from the west. Western powers, primarily the English, arrived in Brunei, causing a forceful storm that swallowed up Bruneian territories until it shrank. However, with the leadership of kings who fought back without weapons, the Brunei Sultanate that endured the storm was saved, and it rose once more, gloriously, until it stood as tall and sat on par with other nations. 9789991796178
Buku ini memperlihatkan bagaimana Kesultanan Brunei yang sebelum abad ke 19 berdiri megah, tetapi menjelang abad ke-19, ia bagaikan sebuah bahtera yang mengharungi badai di samudera luas. ia hampir-hampir tenggelam akibat pukulan badai khususnya badai dari Barat. Kesan kemunculan kuasa Barat khususnya kuasa Inggeris di Bumi Brunei, wilayah wilaya Brunei semakin mengecil. Namun dengan ada nya ketokohkan seorang raja yang berjuang tanpa senjata, maka Keseltanan Brunei yang mengharungi badai telah dapatdi selamatkan hinggalah ia kembali berkembang dan gemilang hinnga mampu berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah dengan warga dunia yang lain 9789991796161