Shariah and Life: Halalan Tayyiban Perspective
This book covers most of the shariah matters related to halalan thayyiban industry, which will be presented in three parts. Part One is the Root and Source of Halal Science which is considered as fundamental knowledge in determination of status of halal products that must be based on the Holy al-Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma’, Qiyas, Maslahah, and Ijtihad. Part Two entitled Shariah Matters will be elaborated to the readers especially to halal industry players of the role of Shariah as an critical subject in dealing with halal products. Maqasid Shariah and halal foods according to Shariah will be discussed since they are among the important subjects in halal industrial matters. Part Three is an attempt to apply the first two chapters into halal industry, bringing forward the sources of halal science together with Shariah knowledge as the basis in producing any halal products. In relation to this, Brunei halal food standard (PBD24:2007); halal science in UNISSA; Islamic Family matters; and halal environment for human well-being are among crucial subjects to be discussed. 9789991786292