Reviving the Spirit of Ramadan: Beyond Do's and Don'ts
Reviving the Spirit of Ramadan : Ramadan Beyond Do's and Don'ts invites readers to reflect upon their understanding of and practices in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is not just about do's and don'ts, but rather a holistic package to transform us into better human beings working towards perfection. It is a noble journey to attain TAQWA, to establish values of PROACTIVENESS and SELF-CONTROL in order to live a meaningful life for the next eleven months. The content of this book is organised in a way that is easy to digest throughout your 30 days of Ramadan, simple to explain to and share with your family members and peers. It is our best hope that this special edition will be beneficial for you to revive the spirit of Ramadan - as if it is your last one!
Publisher: Abideen Press Year Published: 2017 Language: English Genre: Spiritual ISBN: 9789671444146 Pages: 138 Format: Soft cover