Hayley's Sensational Seeds by Mohana Gill
Hayley and Zac visit Jim and Sweetie, who introduce them to the world of seeds. They find out all about sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds and flaxseeds. They also heard stories about the Legend of the Sunflower, Shandili and the Sesame Seeds, and the Gift of Flax.
Winner of Gourmand World Cookbook Awards (Best Fruits Book, 2016), Nautilus Book Awards 2016 (Silver Winner), Book Excellence Awards 2018 (Finalist)
Suitable for ages 3 and up
Author: Mohana Gill / Format: Paperback / Year published: 2016 / Pages: 64 / Sub-genre: picture book / Publisher: Mosat Network / ISBN: 9789671455043