Good Little Deeds: I Say Collection with Nabil and Noura
Join Nabil and Noura in as they learn to use four Islamic words: Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Mashallah and As-salamu 'Alaykum. The perfect set to familiarize your children with Islamic terms and make them daily expressions.
Learn words that are loved by Allah and give your good manners a boost.
Available in the set:
- I Say Alhamdulillah
- I Say As-Salamu’Alakyum
- I Say Bismillah
- I Say Mashallah
I Say Alhamdulillah
Nabil and Noura are eating dinner. Afterwards, will they remember to say, ‘ALHAMDULILLAH!?’
I Say As-Salamu’Alakyum
Nabil and Noura are going to the park. Along the way Nabil greets the gardener and park ranger. Now Noura wants to say, ‘AS-SALAMU ‘ALAYKUM!’
I Say Bismillah
Nabil and Noura’s mum has made some cupcakes. OOOH, they look so tasty. Before taking a bite will they remember to say, ‘BISMILLAH?!’
I Say MashAllah
Nabil and Noura have gone camping with their dad. Wow! The view is beautiful. When looking at beautiful things their dad tells them to say, ‘MASHALLAH!’