Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan 2018 Negara Brunei Darussalam
The Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan 2018 is a compilation of fatwas (decree) by State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned.
It consists of 362 pages divided into 10 chapters discussing 35 issues raised by the public, government and private institutions.
The book is divided into several chapters and sub-chapters for readers to easily make references including Aqidah, Ibadat, Muamalat, Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah, cultures, food and drinks, animals, Al-Faraidh, As-Siyasah Asy-Syar’iyyah, Akhlak, medical, Doa, Wirid and Zikir and kitab-kitab.
Head of the Publication and Information Section Haji Mohidin bin Haji Mustapha said among the interesting issues are a Fatwa on consuming Luwak Coffee – the coffee beans were partially digested and excreted along with faeces of Luwak. 9789991760667