The themes of this book is about consumers’ buying behaviour, consumption patterns and consumers’ preferences. Consumers’ buying behaviour refers to actions taken (online and offline) by a consumer before purchasing a product or service. The process may include consulting with search engines, engaging with social media posts, choose, consume and discard products and services. We all had experienced the moments when we walked into a store and saw something we already had. Retailers spend billions of dollars every year to trigger that feeling in their customers. Web campaigns, videos and print ads, social media campaigns, and branding seem to converge when consumers finally feel a connection to a product and make a purchase. Furthermore, it is important for businesses to understand the process as it helps businesses to align their marketing initiatives better with marketing efforts that have successfully influenced consumers to buy in the past.
Today, the decision-making process has become more complex and is considered essential for consumers due to the rapid change in the competitive global business environment. Consumers nowadays are exposed to advertising campaigns, news sources, and direct mailing that feed abundant information which contains too many mixed messages. Due to this situation, understanding the consumer decision-making process from a Malaysian perspective is significant for companies and marketers in coming up with appropriate marketing strategies to suit their target groups. Hence, the main objective of this book is to discuss and look at various aspects and facets of consumer buying behaviour, consumption pattern, and consumer preference, as well as discussing the most effective types among them.
This book is written as a guide for all university students in their daily learning. In addition, this book is also suitable to be read by all consumers as well as marketers in promoting their products and services. In other words, this book is suitable to be read by all kind of communities for self-awareness.