Posted by Nolly Motion on

Adat Istiadat Negara 2243971 Labour 2383006 TelBru 2321321
Agriculture and Agrifood 2388000 Land 2381181 Town & Country Planning 2382591
Anti-Corruption Bureau 2383575 Land Transport 2451979 Treasury 2383500
Audit 2380576 Language & Literature Bureau 2382511
Attorney General's Chambers 2244872 Legal 2244872 U
Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam 2383999 Universiti Brunei Darussalam 2463001
Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam 2323232 M
Management Services Department 2382066 W
B Marine Department 2771347 Welfare House 2331874
British Army Brunei Garrison 3224101 Medical & Health 2381640
Brunei Arts and Handicrafts Training Centre 2240676 Ministry of Communications 2383838 Y
Brunei Darussalam History Centre 2240166 Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports 2382911 Youth & Sports 2382911
Brunei International Airport 2331747 Ministry of Defence 2386000
Brunei Investment Agency 2383535 Ministry of Development 2383222
Brunei Industry Development Authority 2444100 Ministry of Education 2381133
Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB)
Brunei-Muara District Office 2381581 Ministry of Finance 2380999 Fire & Rescue 2380402
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade 2261177 Ambulance 2222366
C Ministry of Health 2381640 Police 2222333
Civil Aviation 2330141 Ministry of Home Affairs 2223225
Civil Service Institue 2452223 Ministry of Primary Resources & Tourism 2382822 Kuala Belait
Community Development Department (JAPEM) 2380693 Ministry of Religious Affairs 2382525 Fire & Rescue 3332555
Councils of State 2380501 Municipal 2232423 Ambulance 3332366
Museums 2381672 Police 3332333
Department of Electrical Services 2382090 N Seria
Detention and Rehabilitation Unit Internal Security Department 2660925 Narcotics Control Bureau 2448877 Fire & Rescue 3222555
Ambulance 3332366
E O Police 3222333
Economic Planning and Development Department 2233344 Office of His Majesty and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam 2229988
Examination Board Office 2381133 Tutong
Employees Trust Fund (TAP) 2382929 P Fire & Rescue 4221355
Pensions 2382800 Ambulance 4221366
F Petroleum Unit 2380333 Police 4221333
Fisheries 2770066 Ports 2770222
Flight Information 2331747 Postal Services 2382888 Bangar
Prime Minister's Department 2229988 Fire & Rescue 5221255
Financial Institution Division 2382253 Prisons 2662788 Ambulance 5221210
Public Services Department 2382469 Police 5221333
G Public Services Commission 2381961
Government Printing Department 2382541 Public Works 2383911
Gurkha Reserve Unit 2330923 Emergency Lines
R Ambulance 991
H Radio Television Brunei 2243111 Police 993
Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium 2380700 Royal Brunei Armed Forces 2386000 Fire & Rescue 995
Housing Development 2382145 Royal Brunei Police Force 2459500 Search & Rescue 998
Royal Customs and Excise Dept 2382333
Immigration and National Registration Department 2383106 S
Information 2383400 School Inspectorate Office 2230132
Internal Security Department 2242781 Security Home Affairs 2242780
Istana Edinburgh 2381591 State Mufti's Office 2224955
Information Technology and State Stores Department 2383666 State Judiciary Department 2221600
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation 2234085
J Supreme Court 2243939
Jerudong Park Medical Centre 2611433 Survey 2382171
Judicial 2243939 Swimming Pool, Hassanal Bolkiah Complex 2380700
Syariah Affairs Department 2242567

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